About Page (created with gatsby-node.js)

(This text is obnoxiously red on purpose)

appendTo is your leading source of technical news, tips, and tutorials.

Our training partners have trained over 75,000 students in over 16,000 companies. So we wanted to share their vast knowledge outside of the classroom as well!

Our technical content writers and training sponsors have been helping software developers for decades. Software developers learn best through hands-on expert-led courses and reviewing tutorials, all created and taught by other developers. our industry-recognized team are experts in their domains and regularly contribute to open source projects.

The appendTo team gives back to its community and the developer community in many ways. Through our training sponsors, we’ve sponsored the GoCode Colorado civic hacking competition every year since it started in 2014. Our instructors volunteer with local high schools programming classes and we’ve volunteered building houses, working in soup kitchens, and have done several other volunteer projects. We also sponsor multiple technical MeetUps, including the Boulder Denver Software Club, the Boulder HTML5 users group, and the Boulder/Denver Java Users group.